mobile poop laboratory
I have a few egg heads at the laboratory, so was delighted to be approached by the Happy Egg Company. The phone call went...
Roller Coaster Challenge: win a badge
This week, out of the blue, and amidst everything going on, I was sent the most amazing message and photograph from this chap, Mylo....
sit in a comfy armchair, pop on a VR headset, select a show, and off you go!
V-Armchair is a collision between several of my pastimes...
Washing Machine: dramatic thrill ride?
A few years ago, Samsung invited the Thrill Engineer to swap his boiler suit for a lab coat. I was asked to conduct scientific...
Engineering Fun: The Story of Orton & Spooner
I've been invited to guest curate the physics and engineering section of this new exhibition by the National Fairground and Circus Archive (NFCA) A...
We need to talk about thrill: advice for 16 to 18 year olds who...
If you're anywhere between the ages of 16 and 18 then your appetite for sensation seeking is at its height, and your perception of...
Oscillate at the V&A
Thrill Laboratory is renowned for creating some of the UK's leading precision bespoke scientific instrumentation. Our Jump-O-Meter is no exception - using 6 degree-of-motion...
Royal Caribbean’s Ultimate Abyss
In May 2016, Royal Caribbean set out to equip its newest cruise ship, Harmony of the Seas, with the most thrilling onboard activities and...
Fairground: Thrill Laboratory
Brendan Walker curates Fairground: Thrill Laboratory at the Dana Centre, featuring a heady mix of three classic British fairground rides - the Miami Trip,...
VR Playground for your audience
Can you remember swinging in the playground as a child: enjoying sensations of speed and weightlessness as you swooped high and low; laughing with...
VR Playground in Seoul
VR Playground returns from a short tour in Seoul, South Korea. Week one was by official invitation from World Culture Collage, to feature as...