Home HANDBOOK Thrilling Designs

Thrilling Designs


what’s it about?

Thrilling Designs showcases design work from the research project chromo11: engineering the thrill. Thrilling Designs draws inspiration from the traditions of the fairground, methods of the French Situationists, and research findings presented in The Taxonomy of Thrill. Thrilling Designs presents two design explorations, Airlife and Neophile. Airlife is a collection of thrill rides based on the fusion of the European Airbus A340 and the English home. Neophile is a dining menu of thrilling gourmet experiences based on industrial conveyance systems, fine cuisine and theatre.

what are they saying about it?

If you’re a designer in the theme park business, Thrilling Designs could serve as a touchstone of zany ideas to fuel your creativity, and hopefully, your sense of competition. (Go ahead, design something wilder than this! I DARE YOU!) If, on the other hand, you own a theme park, I suggest you bone-up on your Queuing Theory, because when these rides are built, the lines will be miles long.” Dan Howland, Editor of Journal of Ride Theory

The ensuing pages take the reader on a whirlwind tour of Walker’s [dark] imagination, fusing semi-erotic culinary experiences with the almost-taboo subject of airplane disasters – using the idea of crashing as a thrill trigger. Twisted? Maybe, but offering a tantalising preview of experiences so thrilling they verge on the horrifying. After all, what has the fairground been historically, if not a place for the controlled coming together of the forbidden and the horrific. Brendan Walker is taking over your emotions; hold on to your seats Ladies and Gentlemen – get ready for the ride of your lives…” Aine Duffy, Routledge

36 pages in glossy softback with loop staples

The Taxonomy of Thrill and Thrilling Designs – chromo11 volumes one and two (ISBN ISBN 0-9549280-2-4) are available from amazon.co.uk priced £15.99 for the twin volume set.


