Home HANDBOOK The Taxonomy of Thrill

The Taxonomy of Thrill


what’s it about?

The Taxonomy of Thrill investigates the experience of thrill – how it works, why it works, and what such insights might mean for designers. This research represents the first stage of a project called chromo11: engineering the thrill, which aims to design new types of thrilling experiences.  If designers understood more about the dynamics of euphoric experiences could they become directors of this emotional action? This question underpins chromo11 and influenced the writing of The Taxonomy of Thrill, which offers a design tool for directing the role of one powerful, yet volatile, emotion – thrill. Contains a detailed description of The Walker Thrill Factor – for measuring and rating any thrilling experience.

what are they saying about it?

What thrills us depends on our personal hopes, fears, loves and desires. But now a British designer can measure the experience of thrill. The hope is to create an industry-standard measure that can be used to gauge thrilling experiences, and, ultimately, dynamically modify such experiences in real time. The prospect is tantalizing.” Dr Rowan Hooper, Wired

Walker has managed to articulate the dimensions of the thrill experience through his taxonomy and this is a valuable first step. Whether he will be able to translate these insights into an industry-standard engine for thrill remains an open question. His is an ambitious project; each individual’s thrilling experience is necessarily unique. But suppose he succeeds? Imagine it, a thrill machine in every home; it would change our world.”
Charlie Errington, Artist and writer.

52 pages in glossy softback with loop staples

The Taxonomy of Thrill and Thrilling Designs – chromo11 volumes one and two (ISBN ISBN 0-9549280-2-4) are available from amazon.co.uk priced £15.99 for the twin volume set.

